18 Jun 7th Consecutive Year Melissa Tapanes Llahues Selected a ‘Rising Star’ by SuperLawyers
MIAMI (June 18, 2018) – Bercow Radell Fernandez & Larkin PLLC, specializing in zoning, land use and environmental law, announced today that Shareholder Melissa Tapanes Llahues has been selected for inclusion in Super Lawyers-Rising Stars Edition 2018. Melissa has been selected a “Rising Star” every year since 2011. The Rising Stars edition is particularly selective, with 2.5 percent of the state’s under-40 lawyers represented. Once a year, Super Lawyers invites lawyers in each state to nominate the top attorneys they’ve personally observed in action. Lawyers may nominate attorneys in their own firm, but these nominations count only if each in-firm nomination is matched by at least one out-firm nomination. Read more.